Thursday, November 7, 2024

Indian EVM System vs Paper Ballot – Cars vs Bullock Carts – Common Sense vs Nonsense


 Summary: It would indeed be wise to switch to Paper Ballot just as it would be to demand switching to bullock carts if the Government of the day fails to recognise the prerequisites of safe journeys in cars. One of the safety requirements is that the car manufacturers obtain road worthiness certificate for every model they manufacture and sell. Car manufacturers use many components protected by patents; however, an independent agency checks the roadworthiness of the cars before granting their certification. The story of Electronic Voting Machines (EVM) in India has no parallels and, it is weird, to say the least. Government owns the manufacturers of EVMs and instead of an independent agency, the Government itself issues their fitness certificates; Election Commission of India (ECI) says the EVM’s software is protected by Intellectual Property Rights of the manufacturers, besides election security requires secrecy so, neither the EVM's technical design nor the software can be made public. The Supreme Court of India (SCI) wants citizens to believe whatever ECI says! ECI's processes are fraught and umpteen discrepancies in its own data remain unexplained and petitions in SCI kept pending for years on end. As a result, the Indian democracy suffers from exposure to i) manipulating hackable EVMs or ii) subverting what are faulty identifying, transporting and counting processes of EVMs. If we want to safe-guard Indian democracy, it is very important to make a few changes both, in their usage processes and in EVMs.  


1.      First let's list few smart-ass questions people have asked with regards to alleged hackability of EVM or subversion of existing processes (which are two different things) of the Indian EVM System (at this link, read descriptions and also watch demo of a hack in which VVPAT votes match with Control Unit, yet votes stolen):

1.1 EVMs have now been used in thousands of elections and counting of billions of votes. Where is the evidence of hacking? [Fact: Anomalies reported without answers from ECI; Citizen activists have consistently reported concerns - they are the bigger stakeholders; SCI should have known better than to view the tussle with EVMs as one mounted by Opposition parties]

1.2 Losers complain about EVMs but when the same party wins unexpectedly, everything seems to be kosher with EVMs! [Fact: Citizens are the main stakeholders, not Political parties - citizen activists have been consistent in expressing their concerns and asking for greater transparency and auditability; investigative journalist, Poonam Agarwal's queries to ECI regarding discrepancies in ECI's own published data remain unanswered since 2019, ADR's petitions are still not adjudicated by SCI - either they have not been heard or only interim orders passed]

1.3 If the ruling party can hack or manipulate results in one constituency, why does it lose in other constituencies? [Fact: Hacking methods may involve subverting integrity of District Election Officers/Returning Officers (DEO/RO) or Presiding Officers (PO) - therefore, risk of exposure must be limited by the hackers - they are not foolhardy to try to subvert officers across multiple constituencies]

2. Questions such as above are asked by people who may be technically qualified but are naive and certainly arrogant; though most of them are "digital illiterates" (who can't distinguish hardware from firmware from software from malware). Both sets of people are arrogant because they have not looked at demos of possible hacking (in which CU and VVPAT slips are in sync and yet votes can be stolen) and methods of subterfuge possible with utterly flimsy methods of identification of EVMs, non-disclosure of Form-17C, dark glass coupled with 7-second lamp in VVPAT, VVPAT having writable memory and EVM System not being a standalone system (most of the time ECI falsely portrays VVPAT and other EVM devices are OTP - one-time-programmable types and “EVM” is not connected to Internet but “EVM System” is - and the distinction between “EVM” and “EVM System” is not known to most people).

2.1 When technical design and software are kept secret, how can anyone (regardless of their technical competence) make a categorical statement that EVM is NOT hackable? Furthermore, when processes of identifying EVMs are flimsy, the challenge of wrong voting is fraught and conditions of testing are illogical and can invite fines and prison terms, record of counts and polling agent signatures are not revealed immediately after poll closing (in Form17-C), how can evidence of hacking or manipulations be gathered? Therefore, in the face of such odds, it is not very intelligent to ask for evidence of hacking or counter by citing the numbers of elections and votes counting that EVMs have been used for over the years!

3.      ECI in tandem with SCI have thwarted citizens’ efforts to introduce more transparency (make public hardware design and software source code) or simple measures of minor hardware modification (open VVPAT so voter can pick up vote slip and insert it into ballot box or VVPAT with transparent glass instead of tiny dark one-way view glass with an inside lamp that remains lit up for a longer period) and process changes in the existing EVM System and their usage (share Form 17-C with public). ECI has refused to reveal full details of technical design of EVM components, kept the software secret under the pretext of protecting IPR of Government owned units (actually this simple software will hardly require few weeks to develop)! Furthermore, questions raised about alarming levels of data discrepancies between votes polled and votes counted have been ignored by ECI for years on end. Seemingly curious  levels of battery charge of 99% in EVM components (the Control Unit) observed on the day of counting were only recently explained by ECI.

Ironically, while "timid or couldn't-care-less" types of Indian tech tycoons have kept mum (with the exception of Sam Pitroda), non-technical politicians and commentators have often cited non-sensical reasons for either continuing the existing EVM System or, revert to paper ballot – among the former are Yogendra Yadav, Justices Sanjiv Khanna and Dipankar Datta who asked civil rights petitioners (in their April 26th, 2024 order): Where is the evidence of hacking (?), we cannot act on mere suspicion (!) and, among the latter is Elon Musk who said, “anything could be hacked” and, in a tweet, he suggested that EVMs should be eliminated due to the risk of being hacked by humans or AI, even if the risk is small. It must be noted, not all EVMs are same, and Elon Musk was certainly not commenting about the Indian EVM System about which he likely knows nothing (In USA many States use Electronic devices and VVPATs) .

Experienced software engineers know it is possible to write malware (rogue software) which activates only when given parameter's values are in a certain range and the program can self-erase leaving no trace or evidence when certain values are reached (e.g. certain date-time or certain number of votes cast etc.).

ECI has falsely claimed that EVM is a standalone type of system even though in every election cycle, the laptop of DEO/RO is connected to ECI server via Internet to download Candidate ID, Name and Party Symbol file; this file is copied into 3 to 5 Symbol Loading Units (SLU - is a pompous name for a pen drive with flash memory) which are used to commission the EVMs in each booth of the constituency managed by the DEO/RO, by copying the file into the writable memory of VVPAT. ECI has asserted that malware cannot be infiltrated into the VVPAT via this file without revealing technical details of the devices and SCI has ruled that citizens cannot question ECI without any evidence of hacking! This is a Catch-22 situation.

3.1 It would be non-sensical for the car manufacturer to issue roadworthiness certificate to its own cars – which is exactly what ECI is doing in India – as EVMs are manufactured by Government owned companies, BEL and ECIL, and the quality certification is also done by STQC - the Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate, which is an attached office of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India. Unfortunately, in case of the Indian EVM System, these commonsensical and basic democratic tenets are missing and all attempts to make the Indian EVM System trustworthy have been stalled by ECI and refused by the SCI.

3.2 SCI on its own introduced an "innocent" post-election audit option and ECI distorted it further making it a complete joke. On page#37 in para#76 the Judges had observed in their 26th April judgment: "Nevertheless, not because we have any doubt, but to only further strengthen the integrity of the election process, we are inclined to issue the following directions": ECI to allow post-election audit of EVM and SLU which was a pointless measure ab initio as no hacker would be so naive as to leave evidence of malware infiltration in EVM or SLU. The SCI should be petitioned to modify the testing methodology as mentioned below in prescription no.5.1 (the innocent SCI Judges will first need to be informed about self-erasing malware).

3.3 At stake is the Indian Democracy and the principal stakeholder is the citizen of India. To uphold the constitution of India, the ECI and SCI must respond to citizens’ demands for a safe and trustworthy EVM System.

4.      Without going into the history of petitions and pending queries with the SCI and ECI respectively, or the farcical stand of ECI to treat EVM as a black box and the SCI’s endorsement of ECI’s stand to maintain secrecy of software and hardware design and, ECI’s refusal to make public the Form 17-C data immediately after poll closing, let us consider the minimum tweaks in hardware and processes that SCI/ECI must be petitioned to accept.

5.      PRESCRIPTION: What can be done to make the existing EVM System trustworthy - assuming that ECI and SCI will not reverse their stand to keep the EVM's technical design and software secret? Petitions already filed before the SCI need to be amended or supplementary petitions added as follows. 

5.1 SIMULATED (BLACK BOX) EVM TESTING ON THE DAY OF VOTING (in lieu of post-election audit option mentioned in the SCI's order of 26th April'24): This is somewhat similar to the "mock polling" that ECI has prescribed but only that it will be done separately. Presently mock polling is conducted just before polling starts in every booth, to check the performance of EVMs. After successful testing, the samples of mock votes are deleted from the memory of CU, and the ballot box of VVPAT is emptied out of the printed votes.

In each constituency, one day before the polling day, ten EVMs at random should be replaced from the reserved stock; this doesn’t pose a problem because ECI manual prescribes stocking of backup EVMs, to meet the contingency of replacing defective EVMs at a short notice. These ten EVMs should be taken away for simulated testing, the next day, i.e. on the date of actual polling, by contestants’ parties. 

The simulated voting should be done on the ten EVMs by casting random votes, at a natural cadence (say 1,200 votes in 10 hours) throughout the day, however, each vote that is cast will also be noted on paper or a worksheet, with the date-time stamp. At the end of the day, the poll closed button should be pressed as usual on the CU, the total votes recorded and displayed in the CU, and the vote slips printed and dispensed in the VVPAT will be compared with the manual record – i.e.  the list or the worksheet. If there is zero discrepancy, the constituency's election will be considered valid, otherwise it will be countermanded and based on the pattern of discrepancies favouring a particular candidate, a competent authority will adjudicate on the question of fraud committed. The findings could lead to disqualification of the candidate or the banning of the candidate’s party from contesting any election for six years or instituting an appropriate criminal case.


5.2 NEW PROCESS TO IDENTIFY EVMs: In every election cycle, new type of tamper proof stickers (which cannot be peeled off without tearing them) should be pasted on EVM components - stickers should be large with space for machine IDs, should also have space for signatures of polling agents (at least two) and PO; who must sign these at the same time they sign the Form - 17C after the poll closes. [It is curious that these machines do not have mac IDs which could have been digitally displayed].


5.3 NEW PROCESS TO RECORD THE STATUS UPON POLL CLOSING: Photos of signed stickers of machine IDs of CU, VVPAT, Digital display of total votes count on CU and Form-17C should be uploaded on the ECI's portal within 30 minutes of poll closing. DEO/RO must unlock the uploaded photos for public viewing within 24 hours of poll closing. Form-17C Part 1 itself should be reduced to the size of a small sticker with the number of votes polled information (i.e. CU count, test votes count etc. and the net total of votes polled count) - this form has identification numbers of EVM component machines, i.e BU, CU and VVPAT; it also carries signatures of the PO and polling agents. This modified Form-17C sticker should be pasted on VVPAT and also photographed along with the CU display of votes count - then there is no need of a separate Form-17C Part 1.


5.4 NEW PROCESS WILL ENSURE EVM IS NOT SUBSTITUTED: On the day of counting, the contestants' agents should be allowed to compare the signatures seen in all photos of stickers on CU and VVPAT - with those on the physical EVM devices and the total vote count reported in Form-17C must match with the total vote count and candidate wise total count displayed by the CU in the counting room - if there is a mismatch of any type - either of signatures or vote counts - the EVM should be set aside for adjudication by a competent authority - these are conditions under which, normally speaking, a repoll must be triggered.  


5.5 MODIFICATION IN VVPAT TO ASSURE VOTER THAT CORRECT VOTE IS PRINTED AND DELIVERED: The light inside the VVPAT gets switched off within seven seconds of the vote being cast, i.e. the button being pressed on the BU - reason ECI has offered for this curious design is preservation of secrecy of vote. As VVPAT is placed in a secluded corner within a “voting compartment”, this untenable reason ought to be rejected. And the VVPAT design should be modified to make the inside lamp remain lit constantly so the voter can see both operations – i) a new vote slip getting printed and ii) the printed vote slip getting cut and dispensed into the ballot box.

6.      Out of the above five changes, first four ( #5.1 to 5.4 ), process changes, are essential. If 5.1 to 5.4 are accepted, demand for VVPAT modification #5.5, which is desirable but not essential, could be waived; similalry, the following demands pending in petitions before the SCI, may then be safely withdrawn: i) Vote slips printed by VVPAT to manually count (100%) and use the CU count only to counter check. ii) Post-election audit option as mandated by SCI in its 26th April'24 order (and incorrectly implemented by ECI

6.1 Fall back position: If process change #5.1 of simulated tests is not accepted, then the four demands # 5.2 to 5.5 become essential along with the pending demand of "100% VVPAT count", other wise type (a) EVM hacking of delayed printing and stealing votes or type (b) EVM hacking of printing correct vote and recording another (hacker-party's) vote in CU, should either (a) or (b) perpetrated, will not be caught - as already explained, the SCI's post-election audit is useless (malware could self-erase leaving no trace or evidence so audit will never find anything amiss). 

 7.      If the essential demands described above are not met, it would make sense to agitate for reverting to paper ballot system; Bullock carts are a better option than uncertified cars operating without a sensible framework.

 References and notes

EVM: petitions and legal challenges - only Civil Rights activists seem to be fighting - political parties mostly passive. Notes

Mar'24 (written before GE2024): The most urgent reforms India needs - election processes; political funding and changing FPTP to TRS or Proportional Representation System Blog


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